Tag Archives: 2010 Creedmoor Elementary School Makeover

Current Project: An Update on Creedmoor Elementary School

Originally, when we were approached by Chris Elliott, the principal of Creedmoor Elementary School, we knew he needed some help with giving the elementary school a face-lift; however, little did we know the school would be transformed in nearly two months!  

The main building had a smorgasbord of different colors on the walls and a stale red stripe running through the entryway and cafeteria, a chipped stage floor where you could see the endless layers of paint over the hardwoods, and poor lighting throughout the school. It felt like an institution rather than a school.

Brittany and I jumped at this opportunity. The Design Lines team believes the kids at Creedmoor Elementary deserve a stimulating learning environment!

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The exterior doors to the school got a fresh coat of paint.

Design Lines & Creedmoor Elementary School Makeover (6)

Brittany recommended Tony Taupe and Aesthetic White from Sherwin Williams  for the main entrance hallways. Changing the color delineation to a 2/3rd proportion was more appealing than cutting the hallway in half as the stripe did in the before pictures.

Creedmoor’s stage is in the cafeteria and was in dire need of a refinishing job.

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Dedicated principal, Chris Elliott, refinishes the stage himself.

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Before the hallways were uninspiring, now the hallways bring creativity to the space as well as way-finding for those lost kindergartners, i.e. the art hallway is located in the mango orange hallway.

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The administration of the school had been staring at white walls for far too long. Now the taupe walls feel warmer and the white trim brightens up the space.


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 The cafeteria and auditorium is Brittany’s favorite transformation. The Sherwin Williams Billiard Green trim reminds us of an old schoolhouse chalkboard.

Design Lines & Creedmoor Elementary School Makeover 2010

Thank you Chris for this opportunity to improve Creedmoor Elementary School. We hope the kids enjoy the makeover!

Previous Post: July 12, 2010.

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