Tag Archives: a closer look

A Closer Look: Brancusi

I love to notice how good art can inspire design and vise-versa.  So you can imagine my delight when I saw the new “Zipper” sconce from Urban Electric Company. 

Designed by Amanda Nisbet, the “Zipper Sconce” draws inspiration from the sculptural work of Romanian-born Constanin Brancusi.  The undulating form is based on his “endless column,” a motif that appears repeatedly in his work.

File:Romania 20060512 - Tirgu Jiu - Coloana fara sfarsit.jpg

Brancusi’s most famous sculpture may be “The Kiss”.  Have you seen this one before?

One of my favorite sculptures by Brancusi is “Bird in Space” (below).  I wonder what Urban Electric could turn this one into?

This is just one example of how the fields of Art and Design are not mutually exclusive.  Take a closer look, and I’m sure you’ll notice many others.


image 1: urban electric co, charleston

image 2: wikipeida

image 3: sheisfrench

image 4: guggenheim museum

Award Winning Interior Design | Raleigh, NC