Tag Archives: accent chairs

“Hickory Chair University: Ashley’s Perspective”

After visiting Hickory Chair University I was amazed to actually witness the term we all have heard, “8-Way Hand Tied.” But really, is it better than the other companies? I was very surprised to see why this system works and why this quality is better than the rest. As quoted by others, “8-Way Hand Tied Springs are the Cadillac of upholstery.” Wonder why your grandmother’s sofa is still around to be pawned off to you?

8-Way Hand Tied is a traditional style of support. The springs are laid over webbing, sewn in place, and then the springs are compressed to the desired firmness. They are then tied, with jute twine, to the webbing in the compressed state, and then lashed and tied one to the other. Of course it is tied eight times, twice vertically, twice horizontally, twice at one angle, and then crossed twice and the other angle (that adds up to eight). This technique provides a very firm, solid base for the padding that comprises a fully upholstered seat. This technique, if done right, can cost more but it is worth it. Hickory Chair does not cut corners on this technique which allows for the quality to out last many others.

As labor becomes more expensive and the buying public less willing to pay for it, substitutions are being made. These substitutions can be costly to you if you are not aware, and you will be buying a new sofa in the next 5 years. The jute twine that Hickory Chair uses is being substituted by other companies. Some substitutions include wires and hot rings. This is faster, requires less skill on the part of the upholsterer, and is ultimately cheaper to accomplish.

Being in the plant and seeing the gentleman above do a 8-Way Hand Tied application was amazing to see. It took about 15 minutes to do a full upholstered chair with only the seat being applied. It can take double the time for a sofa or sectional, but it is well worth it. It was great to see how this support effects the way a sofa or chair can sit. Well worth the money in my eyes.

So next time you got to by a sofa, get the facts. Make sure it is a true 8-Way Hand Tied application. It is not entirely uncommon to hear of an 8-Way Hand Tied sofa holding up for several decades, in fact, some can last as long as 50 years. Don’t you want to be able to pass your Hickory Chair or Sofa down to your grandchildren?

Trust us: Cozy Comfort

We always tell our clients to “trust us” when it comes to certain furniture pieces as it relates to comfort and coziness. It is hard to buy something you have not sat on or seen in person. As designers, we have researched products thoroughly before we recommend them. I recently suggested a sofa and two chairs to a client, on good faith she trusted me. After installing them she was impressed, mentioning that I could not have picked a more comfortable sofa. Not only was the sit perfect, but it looked fantastic, too. As a designer, I have found Pearson Furniture to be one of the best lines out there. I have sat on many of their frames and the following chair and sofa have got to be the best around. I don’t think you could go wrong with anything offered by this company. Please visit their website at http://www.pearsonco.com/ I know you’ll be impressed too.

This is the Pearson sofa that can be described by the following words: comfortable, cozy, firm, and perfect….

This is the chair from Pearson that I have to confidently say fits everyone. If you are a tall man or a short female, this chair will personally fit you, offering the highest level of comfort. It also has a curved front that is aesthetically appealing to the eye.
So the next time your designer says trust me, you might want to. I know that I have sat in everything I recommend and now I am glad that I can pass that confidence on to my clients.

Award Winning Interior Design | Raleigh, NC