Tag Archives: Being Published in a National Magazine

2012 Dreams & Aspirations for the Team

There are brief periods of time reserved during the new year for reflection, strategic planning, and goal setting. In fact, this is one of my favorite times of the year. As we look ahead into 2012, here are just a few of our dreams.

1. Get published in a national interior design magazine. We are truly honored each time we receive press on our design projects and to step into the national arena would be a dream come true for Judy and the rest of the team.

2. We are always trying to find ways to improve the client experience. As a team, every year we go back to the drawing board to fine tune our business strategies all in an effort to give our clients the very best.

“Rework” by 37 signals founders Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson is a national bestselling book and a must read for this year. We were first introduced to 37 signals’s online project management tools several years ago and use Basecamp on a daily basis to communicate with our out of town clients.

3. While we support one other in the day-to-day operations of the business, we also find joy in celebrating those personal life milestones with each other. In 2012 we will be celebrating a wedding, moving into a new home, cutting a child’s 2nd birthday cake and all the little in between occasions as well.

4. Branded Spaces – At Design Lines we believe design affects everyone both within a residential setting and a commercial space, or as we like to call it the “branded spaces.” “The branded spaces serve as a tangible extension of marketing messages and corporate culture, becoming touchpoints where first – and lasting – impressions are made.” Last year, we had the honor of working with a team of talented individuals to build the NC State’s Chancellor’s House, and other commercial projects, which are outlined here. This year, we dream of continuing to take on more branded spaces projects. Wouldn’t it be cool to design a restaurant, a store, or even a hotel?!

5. Judy and I will attend “Blogfest 2012” in New York City this Spring. We are super excited!   For us it is important to hear and engage in this social media conference. The media platforms we use to communicate with are always changing and we want to be prepared for those changes.

In the new year, what do you want to see from the Design Lines blog? We care about what you have to say, so email us at hpickett@designlinesltd.com.

images: 1. Ruzzel & Hazel 2. Design Lines 3. Amazon 4. Cupcakes & Cashmere 5. Pinterest 6. Blogfest 2012– Kravet

Award Winning Interior Design | Raleigh, NC