Tag Archives: Center

A stuffed chicken, an old hunk of wood, & a chia pet

Molly, Judy, and I traveled to the Center of the world at the beginning of the month for an
ASID Conference in High Point, NC. The conference was filled with plenty of mingling time with our fellow Carolina Designers, a superb couple of hours hearing from the talented & famous designer, Barry Dixon, & let’s not forget, our favorite…shopping time. We perused our mainstays for antiques and came home with some interesting & unexpected objects (see post title). But first, a few delicious photos from the showroom of Randall Tysinger Antiques

French cloches c. 1920 on an executive table

Scaled Beautifully

There were interesting compostions like the one above on every wall…

Who wouldn’t love to have a pair of natural slate and forged iron nightstands from France? This bed is a feast for the eyes, for sure.

Molly selecting a stuffed chicken for a lake house client, now that’s a trying decision…

Cha Cha Cha Chia! This planter, from Bali, had too much potential for a conversation starter, we just couldn’t resist. (This one can be yours, folks)

& last, but certainly not least is this stunning Petrified Wood Table with beautiful coloration we picked up for the ASID Showhouse. (Look for Molly’s blog on the topic, coming soon) At the end of the day, the DLL van was packed with a collection of interesting objects we can’t wait to place in our client’s interiors.

Award Winning Interior Design | Raleigh, NC