Tag Archives: christmas lights; holiday

12 Days of Christmas {Day 7} : Spending Time With Loved Ones

ChristmasWhiteLightsAmong the ribbons, presents, trees and lights I believe Christmas is about spending time with the ones we love. Time for slowing down and enjoying the laughs, wonder and surprises that surround Christmas. Starting new and continuing old family traditions. One of my favorite past times, growing up was piling into my grandpa’s car  during the holidays and heading downtown to the neighborhoods inside the belt-line. Packed in like sardines the five of us would drive around admiring all the Christmas lights that hung at each house. We would be quick to yell out our favorite ones and even the ones that might need a little extra guidance from Santa. We had so much fun! If you are up for a treat and really want to see a yard decked out in all its Christmas glory – from 401 head west on Ten Ten Road. It might be a drive but it is well worth it oh and don’t worry you won’t miss it.  Whatever you decide to do this holiday, make sure spending time with friends and family are on top of the list, even if it is driving around to see houses lit up with Christmas lights.

(Image found from Google.)

Christmas Traditions

The Christmas spirit is in the air at Design Lines! We just got back from our yearly Christmas lunch and quickly jumped into the boxes of holiday goodies we graciously recieved from all the wonderful reps this year.

Whether it’s driving around the neighborhood seeing every house lit up with lights, making reindeer food with the kids or grandma’s cookies from scratch, decorating the staircase with fresh green garland and red bows, to attending Christmas eve service at church the ladies at Design Lines are blessed this Christmas.

Our hope this Christmas is that your home is safe and warm wherever you spend the holidays.

Below is a picture of Lauren’s Christmas tradition of baking her great grandmother’s French cookies and recipe. Yummy!

French Cookies – my great grandmother’s recipe

3 cups of flour
3 sticks of butter
3 egg yolks
1 cup of sugar

Strawberry preserves, Polander real mint jelly, MacKay’s lemon curd, pecans, etc

Soften the butter.
Mix with egg yolks; stir.
Mix in sugar; stir.
Mix in flour last; stir until it is moist and even.
Roll dough into 1” balls and place on ungreased cookie sheet.
Using your pinky finger, poke halfway into each dough ball, creating a well.
Fill the well with a small amount of desired topping.
Bake at 350 for 12-15 minutes.
Let cool and enjoy!

Award Winning Interior Design | Raleigh, NC