Tag Archives: current projects; designer profiles

Get Hooked: March Readers Forecast

Design Lines March Forecast copy

March is all about CURRENT PROJECTS! We have several “before and afters” to highlight including a couple guest bedrooms, a local television set design and a family room.

We also will have updates for you on projects that are still in the works! This is an exciting time here at the studio.

Laurie, our Business Administrator, who knows all the operations of the firm; will be interviewed this month for the Designer Profiles.  

There will also be two introductions to the Guest Blogger Series: two local businesses Eidolon Designs and Taps & Latches in Garner.

Oh and we can’t forget that we will be introducing our television segments on “My Carolina Today.” You got it, behind the scenes of the team on set and even the chance to follow on our “on the air” segments for the best interior design tips.

So hurry back, grab a cup of coffee and a nice blanket as we settle in for the March blog posts.

Award Winning Interior Design | Raleigh, NC