Tag Archives: Decorating a New Home

Looking at a Blank Canvas? Design Lines Top 5 Tips on Tackling Your Home Project

So you have just bought a house or a condo and you don’t know where to begin. It is a huge house or a really small space. How am I going to fit everything! Your stress is rising and you feel overwhelmed. AHH!

We got you covered.


Here are a couple of suggestions the designers at Design Lines recommend doing with your blank canvas (i.e. your house).


1. Make a list of what love and then all the challenges with the space. Think of everything good and bad. Every detail. If you are living with a significant other, have them do a list too, that way you both can offer suggestions and compare your list.

 chalkboardMeet the Ritchies copy


2.  Now from the list circle a few items that can be accomplished immediately or within a week or two. Tackle small items first.


One example might be painting a wall, changing out all the kitchen cabinet hardware, or going through a few boxes that are still in the hallway. Whatever it is just do it, don’t worry about time.


3. No matter what the items you have decided to tackle on the list, you are bound to throw something out, right? Before you do though ask yourself can this be donated? Create 3 piles –throw out, donate and keep. This will help in your organizing efforts. Keep what means the most to you!


Design Lines Interior Design


4. Remember start with one room at a time. If it helps, purchase some crafty organizer boxes, the Container Store  has some fabulous ones. My favorites are the natural linen looking boxes.


Design Lines Interior Design Firm Raleigh NC Organizing


5. Find a starter piece that will inspire you to decorate and finish the room. This might be a piece of art, vibrant throw pillows or even an heirloom piece of furniture. For example, the picture below is a fine art photograph from artist Marc Montocchio.  This photograph works great as inspiration for a man’s room or even a screened porch area. The masculine chair is also another piece that could work in a man’s study or sun-room.

Design Lines Interior Design Room Inspiration

Award Winning Interior Design | Raleigh, NC