Tag Archives: Entertaining Ideas

Springtime Drinks for Your Weekend!

Warmer temperatures and the gift of an extra hour of sunshine from Daylight Savings time has led to all kinds of excuses to plan a picnic or play hostess to a weekend soiree. With that, we’ll share some of our favorite recipes for springtime sipping! Even round up the kids, as these are easy and fun to make together.

Brittany’s Cucumber Punch is a favorite from College

0621_cucumber from the Kitchn


2 liters of Sprite
One can of limeade concentrate
One large cucumber, sliced


Mix together and allow to sit for 45 minutes before serving.

Lauren made this delicious Peach Punch for a baby shower she recently hosted.

Freedomtreefarms peaches


White peach juice
One package of raspberries frozen (to serve as ice cubes)
Ginger ale to taste

Hilaire found this tart Ginger Grapefruit Lime juice post and we can’t wait to make it!

Syle with Grace Ginger Grapfruit & Lime Juice


1 1/2 tablespoons Truvia (zero calorie sweetener) – or use regular sugar
2 tablespoons fresh ginger, peeled then grated
1 cup water
1/2 cup fresh lime juice – about 3 limes
1 1/2 cups fresh grapefruit juice – 4 grapefruits


In a small saucepan, on medium heat, mix together sugar, ginger, and water. Simmer for about 5 minutes, then transfer to a glass cup or bowl – place in the fridge or freezer to cool.

In a pitcher, combine grapefruit and lime juices. Remove the ginger mixture from the fridge/freezer and strain into the grapefruit juices. If you don’t want pulp, you can strain the grapefruit juices. I like the pulp. Stir the ingredients and taste. Feel free to add more sugar or juices. I like it strong and ginergy so this was perfect for me. Serve chilled with ice or add sparkling water to give it some bubbles.

Makes about 2 cups of juice.

Which one will you try this weekend?

images & recipes: 1. The Kitchn 2. Freedom Tree Farms 3. With Style & Grace

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