Tag Archives: Interior Design career path

Community Involvement: Design Lines Speaks to Needham Broughton High School Students

For the past few days Molly and I have been speaking to the students in the “Housing & Interiors” classes at Needham Broughton High School. We first heard about the program about three months ago and have been donating discontinued library resources for the students classroom projects ever since. As we got to know Ms. Parsons and the program, we jumped at the opportunity to share and give our insight into the interior design profession with the students. We hope this is the start of a great community partnership!

We touched on everything from where to look for design inspiration, characteristics of an interior designer, different career paths within the profession, and resources to utilize when applying to colleges with interior design programs.

 Below: Molly, Ms. Parsons & Hilaire

Design Lines Gives Back to Broughton High School 2010

Above: Molly sharing a presentation board to the students.  

Thank you Ms. Parsons and all the students! You rock.

Award Winning Interior Design | Raleigh, NC