Tag Archives: Lake Gaston

I love my job!: Molly’s Helicopter Ride At Lake Gaston

I have to wonder if there are many other professions where you get to work on fabulous projects from beginning to end, interact with amazing clients and develop relationships with so many talented people. This is then topped only by… yes… a helicopter ride with some of these people to view the finished projects.

Check out these great shots taken through the tree canopies at beautiful Lake Gaston. I will admit I was a little nervous, but I quickly got beyond the butterfly stomach and could focus on the opportunity at hand.

Great Find! Bird Finial

Ashley recently found this awesome bird finial (from the Lundy’s Garden Collection) for a current project out at Lake Gaston.

This bird has so much character!

And a matter of fact, Molly and Ashley are at the lake installation right now. Be sure to check back next week for more pictures from the lake.

If you could create your own personal finial what would it be?

(The Yellow Backdrop is a Gaston Y Daniela fabric.)

Best of 2008!

The countdown is on and it is roughly 12 hours before Design Lines rings in the new year!

Below are just some of the accomplishments and memories we’ve created that will surely last well into 2009.

10-Toured the manufacturing facilities of MCraig and the South Carolina State Capital Building in Columbia, S.C.

9-Staked our claim at Lake Gaston with the designs of several client properties.

8-Hosted our first ever sidewalk sale! The Pear Square Event

7-Waltzed down the aisle- well some us did-Ashley said “I do” in June and Lauren tied the knot in August.

6-Collaborated with our favorite builders on 3 Parade of Homes, including one Silver Award winner!

5-Became a member of the Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce

4-Expanded our design capabilities into commercial avenues thanks to local architecture firms.

3-Created four dazzling spaces in the 2008 ASID Showhouse at Ramblewood of North Hills.

2-Blogged into our first birthday. Our blog is ONE! We recently opened comments, and we’re even getting visitors from far off places- from Hilton Head to New Delhi, India.

1– Broke a few records on our way to 2009-Design Lines 30th year!

Happy New Year!

Award Winning Interior Design | Raleigh, NC