Tag Archives: LEED

Save the Watts for the holidays

This morning Hilaire & I attended a fabulous Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce Meeting. A conversation regarding a balanced approach to energy was led by our new friend & Progress Energy Community Relations Manager, Marty Clayton.
We already strive to implement & specify only responsible lighting systems & appliances in the new construction projects we have. But the discussion was insightful & got us at Design Lines really thinking about what we could do to use energy in a more responsible way everyday. We learned some valuable lessons this morning & though we can’t share with you the Compact Florescent Light Bulbs Marty gifted to us (thank you Progress Energy) we’d like to share a few of the major points Marty shared with us & some other Chamber members.
1- The easiest rule of energy conversation really is simple & responsible:
Don’t need it? Turn it off.
2- Why don’t we all consider researching/looking at Senate Bill #3 ?
3- Savethewatts.com by Progress Energy really is an education in simple energy saving tips. For instance:
“Unplug your home office when not in use! In the average home, 75 percent of the electricity used to power home electronics is consumed while the products are turned off but still plugged into the wall. “
I know when I leave for my Illinois home next week I will be turning the thermostat down to 60 degrees & will turn off my water heater.

How will you save energy for the holidays and the New Year?

*I took the photo above a few winters ago at my Grandmother’s home in Idaho.

Award Winning Interior Design | Raleigh, NC