Tag Archives: Nothing But Pink Inspiration; Design Lines

Nothing But Pink Inspiration 4 of 5


Design Lines Inteior Inspired Breast Cancer Awareness Traditional Home & NicNacManic

Who said you can’t have pink food too! A sweet macaroon or a “In The Pink Drink” is a perfect snack before a girls night out.

As far as interiors go, pink can definitely give a room the “wow” factor! Below are two shots from our portfolio. The room of the left is of a little girl’s room, while the picture on the right is Judy’s living room in the 2008 ASID Ramblewood Showhouse.

Design Lines Interior Inspired Breast Cancer Awareness Portfolio


images: 1. NicNacManic 2. Traditional Home 3. & 4. DLL

Award Winning Interior Design | Raleigh, NC