Tag Archives: redbookmag.com

Top 5 Must Haves for Back to School!

 Bust out those backpacks! It’s back to school time- we’re sad that summer is coming to a close, but look forward to cooler temperatures and crisp autumn air.  We’ve made our list of back to school must haves- so sharpen that No. 2 and jot these down.

1. The I-Pad. You know you want one.  Judy says of hers, “It’s having all the things you love to do in one place!” She listens to music, peruses the news, checks the weather, and reads on her device.  Molly adores the speed and clarity of the I-Pad.

2. Home Office Organization – Remember how new school supplies inspired your grade school self? Organization tools can also motivate you. Design Lines loves the Container Store of Raleigh- where you can find boxes, calendars, pin boards, shelving, etc. 

3. The perfect after school snack – It’s still hot out in the Triangle. Take a break with popsicles or a cool refreshing glass of peach iced tea.



4. Inspire your space – Find something that is your signature that makes you smile and use it- it could be the stamps you use or something like gold paperclips (Brittany’s favorite)- Use a beautiful glass container rather than a boring pencil cup or a shell from that summer vacation as your paper weight.  Consider the addition of wallpaper to the homework spot or beautiful new hooks to hang those backpacks from!

5. A back to school outfit – Reenergize now with an addition to your wardrobe- even if your back to school routine only includes a college class, the carpool line, or the PTA.


Some trends include colored denim, blazers, & stripes everywhere.   Consider the perfect bookish trend: new specs!

Be sure to check out last year’s list here. 


images – 1.  ballardbunch.blogspot.com 2. etsy.com 3. weheartit.com 4. magicmarkingsart.blogspot.com  5.  redbookmag.com 6. poppytalk.blogspot.com 7. williams-sonoma.com 8. southernliving.com 9. bhg.com 10. madebygirl.blogspot.com 11. grosgrainfabulous.blogspot.com 12. hm.com 13.  longenecker-storyshort.blogspot.com

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