Tag Archives: Santonio

Get Hooked: February Readers Forecast

Februarygraphic copy

This Feburary we have a lot of neat posts planned for you, our readers! We will continue with our “Why Should You Hire An Interior Designer?” series every Tuesday. We will focus on newlyweds and how we suggest starting the process of merging your things together.  Also, we will describe the role of an interior designer and the value they can provide a client. 


We will share with you a couple “before and after”projects and even give you some updates on our commercial projects. We are also hoping to highlight some of the builders we work with to give you some of their tips on what they recommend, when starting a remodeling project or building a new home.


Gear up for some creative posts on Valentines Day, Feb 12th (the start of the Olympics), our trip to San Antonio, Texas for the annual BPN Conference and the Carolina Ballet Cinderella Ballon February 20th.

San Antonio Logo


Carolina Ballet Ballet carriage graphic


Like the Designer Profiles? We will be featuring Molly this month and be on the lookout for another series called “Styles of Design.” Our goal for this short series is to educate our reader on the various styles of design, the differences between them and what makes each style unique.

How could I forget “Droolworthy” Lauren always brings the best on the latest products out there. So check every Wednesday for her weekly series.

Check back at the beginning of each month as we forecast our daily blog calendar for you so you can keep coming back and of course get hooked!

Award Winning Interior Design | Raleigh, NC