Tag Archives: Set design

Current Projects: Before & After Photos of NBC 17 “My Carolina Today” Set Design


This project started with a huge amount of research to understand set designs.

We had never done one before!!

During this time everyone on the Design Lines team observed and took notes of television shows, talk shows and even news shows to gain knowledge and expertise in the set designs. What we found was really neat!

If you focus tonight on a couple of news shows, more often then not the anchors will be in front of a shade of blue. This is because no matter the skin tone, everyone looks good in front of  blue. However, traditionally this blue is not any ordinary blue, it is a bright cobalt blue.  Common themes we saw throughout our research on talk show sets is that they vary from living room scenes to high bar stool set-ups and even have a combination of both. A couple of examples we looked at were  Hoda & Kathy Lee, The View and Oprah.

So in the end, this is what we came up with. See the previous post or click on “My Carolina Today” category on the right to see Judy being interviewed by Sharon Delaney. There  you will hear the vision and our inspiration from Judy in her own words.


 Below are a few photographs of the My Carolina Today set under construction.

My Carolina Today Set (2) Design Lines


The doors are in!


My Carolina Today Set-Design Lines


Below is the installation of the the plexi glass. Later the doors would be lit with down lights and a tree picture added from behind to give the viewer the illusion that we were actually sitting inside someone’s living room.




Below is one angle of the finished set.


Set Design Carolina Today Design Lines

The whole set.

(The furniture was provided by Nowells Furniture.)

My Carolina Today Set (3) Design Lines

Judy Talks About the Set Design on My Carolina Today

Judy’s first television debut on My Carolina Today! We are all so proud. The video below talks about the inspiration and the vision we had for the set.

Judy talks about the Australian Wormy Chestnut floors which was installed by Bill with Select Forest Products.

Mike & Ann from Eidolon Designs, we couldn’t have done the set without them. Thank you Mike & Ann!

Rick of Taps & Latches talks about the special details-the hardware.

Of course can not forget the lighting too”House of Lights of Cary.” Greg with Judy & Sharon.

We will keep you posted on what we will be filming for our next segment!

Award Winning Interior Design | Raleigh, NC