Tag Archives: Southern Lady Magazine

Design Lines Featured in Southern Lady Magazine & Carolina Parent Magazine

We are delighted to show you our most recent press in the September/October issue of  Southern Lady Magazine and the September issue of Carolina Parent.

Southern Lady Magazine, highlighted the firms successes and Judy’s hard work over the past 30 years, while Carolina Parent focused on our recommendations for sprucing up your deck/patio just in time for Fall.

Design Lines Southern Lady & Carolina Parent Press

Copies of the Southern Lady Magazine can be found at your local Barnes & Noble. We recommend calling first and if they do not have a copy of the magazine, we suggest calling Southern Lady Magazine directly.

Carolina Parent is a free local newspaper to the residents within North Carolina. You can usually find copies right outside the grocery stores. I have always had luck at Whole Foods.

 Design Lines Southern Lady Sept.-Oct. 2010 (2)


We are so thankful for all the press we receive. Thank you Southern Lady Magazine and Carolina Parent!


Design Lines Carolina Parent Sept 2010

Get Hooked: The September Forecast

Modenus Blog Outdoor Spaces


As we retreat and savor the last few days of summer, we have a wonderful September editorial calendar for you.

As always we will bring you exciting current projects (including an update on the 1800 Farmhouse), more posts on the Guest Blogger Series and the East-2-West Series. What cities will we have next? You will just have to wait and see!

Judy and I will also be live from New York City as we will learn key business strategies and hear from luxury market experts at the Business of Design 2010 Conference. Check back on the blog for continuous updates, Hilaire has got you covered.

Enjoy our video segments? We will have two more  videos this September.  Judy and Jon Rufty of Rufty Homes, Inc. will talk about sustainability and green design, while Molly will talk about our accomplishments out at the 12 Oaks Development in Holly Springs.

And last but not least, we are thrilled to share with you some of our recent press in  Southern Lady Magazine and also Carolina Parent. 

So are you ready? We ARE! Grab some coffee and settle in.

 P.S. I almost forgot, if you haven’t joined our Facebook page yet, you should!

image: Modenus Blog

Get Hooked: August Forecast

Traditional Home Website img_bathedinwhite_ssl14

I cannot believe it’s August! I want to update you on what to expect this month on the Design Lines Blog.  

How does art make a statement in a room? Several blog posts this month will focus on art hanging, the joy of finding the right picture frame, and our  favorite artists.

Whether your children are on the traditional or the year-around calendar, the kids are heading back to school. Phew! We will have back-to-school inspired posts and a few DIY projects. For example we will teach you how to create your own chalkboard at home for the kids playroom.

For all those readers who do not live in Raleigh, we’ve got you covered. While we completed the Designer Profiles last month, our next adventure will give you a front row seat as we tour the company office. How does everyone stay organized? Where do they eat lunch? What does the resource library look like? I have always heard about that mysterious rug room, does it really have rug samples everywhere?

Hot off the Press! Design Lines will be featured in the September/October issue of Southern Lady Magazine. We will give you all the details once the issue hits newsstands, including the spread and where to buy your own copy.

As always we will have updates on current projects and our My Carolina Today segments.

This month is exciting and we can’t wait to share it with you.


image credit: Traditional Home Online

Award Winning Interior Design | Raleigh, NC