Tag Archives: Suzanne Rheinstein

Blogfest 2011: Lee Jofa Heritage Collection with Iconic Interior Designers on Long Island

Next stop on the agenda – May Studios on Long Island. The Blogfest 2011 crew was spoiled with a once-in-a-lifetime treat! Lee Jofa  celebrated the launch of their new “Heritage Collection” by having 6 iconic interior designers design vignettes using fabrics from the collection. This party was hosted by Traditional Home.


Suzanne Kasler, David Easton, Diamond Baratta Design, Eric Cohler, Suzanne Rheinstein, and Thomas O’Brien were all in attendance. These designers were all gracious and autographed our very own “Inspired Styles” book published by Assouline.  



(Above left) Thomas O’Brien’s vignette and (Above right) Hilaire with Thomas O’Brien



(Above) The Rosebank Print and vignette designed by Diamond Baratta Design.


(Above lef) Jennifer Powell of Kravet speaks with Eric Cohler about his vignette while (above left) is a glimpse of David Easton signing books for fellow attendees of the event.

Tomorrow we’ll have a review of the Ace Hotel, plus more on the events at Blogfest including a kickin cool tour of Kravet and Lee Jofa’s headquarters in Manhattan.

Stay tuned!

images: 1. Mayo Studios & the rest are personal

Award Winning Interior Design | Raleigh, NC