Tag Archives: Telenology Updates

Current Projects: Design Lines Studio Update Phase 1

If you have been around our office lately, I think you will notice some of the changes taking place. This is only the beginning! After 12 years of being in this space we collectively decided it was time for an update.  One of the areas we tackled first was the women’s bathroom. Before it was just a pale and silver dotted wallpaper, now we are ready for this pop of color with this large scale floral from Nina Campbell.

We didn’t stop with just the women’s bathroom – we decided our front entry needed a different look as well. While the traditional tiled cafe looking wallpaper suited us we wanted to clients to come in from the summer heat with a fresh and cool color called “Retreat” by Sherwin Williams.


Next up our conference room – it was in dire need of a technological update. In this room we added a flat screen television equipped with Internet capabilities, web conferencing and even remote access to log into our desktops. At our finger tips we are able to pull up drawings, look at client pdfs, make changes to any AutoCad file, head to a manufacturer’s website or even turn on the Michael Buble pandora channel as we work into the late evening.

Carolina Glass & Mirror made a new glass top to replace the outdated conference room surface.

(Above) Rob being sure the stand is securely tightened before we turn on the television and Brittany and Judy taking a few minutes out of their day to try on the 3D glasses. Watch out this might be the newest fashion trend. (just kidding.)

Last but not least the refinishing of our lunchroom table. Muddcreek Custom Cabinets  in Willow Springs re-stained and put a new finish on the table. 

Thanks everyone who was a part of our phase one studio updates, we really appreciate all the support in creating the very best studio space for our clients.

Stay tuned as Rob details what we will be doing for phase 2!!

images: DLL

Award Winning Interior Design | Raleigh, NC