My Carolina Today: Judy’s Remodeling Checklist


Those out dated kitchen appliances must go! It is time to remodel and we have come to the rescue. If you are thinking about remodeling any area in your house, we recommend that you watch this video for the complete “Design Lines Remodeling Checklist” from Judy.  

Here are Judy’s takeaways.

1. Decide on scope of the project. Take into account the function & use of the space, storage needs, universal design features, green design, lighting, etc.

2. Decide on whether you will live in the space while the renovation is going on or do you need to set up temporary food prep.

3. Consider hiring professionals – builder, interior designer and architect. Get references.

4. Do your research to manage expectations.

5. After deciding on a contractor, give him as much information as possible for accurate quote.


To see more Design Lines videos from My Carolina Today, click here.